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Origin TRUE

Origin TRUE

Regular price $49.99 USD
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Unlock the profound benefits of nature with Origin TRUE, your gateway to enhanced wellness and vitality.

Ingredients: 525 mg of pure, organic Syrian Rue (Peganum harmala) powder, refined to 8.9% harmala alkaloid content. Free of additives and excipients.

Alkaloid Profile: Harmine 2.8%, Harmaline 5.73%, Harmolol .3%, Tetrahydroharmine .1%

Contraindications: Do not take if you are pregnant or on SSRIs.

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  • Micro Dose

    1-2 capsules. Recommended for daily maintenance. Cycle your dosing with 5 days on / 2 days off.

  • Medium Dose

    3-5 capsules. Recommended for intermittent therapeutic healing and detoxification. Nausea may occur.

  • Macro Dose

    6-8 capsules. Recommended for occasional intensive healing and detoxification. Nausea will occur.


Is TRUE safe to take?

Yes, TRUE is safe to take when used as directed at the recommended dosage.

There are various sources online that discuss the potential dangers of ingesting Syrian Rue. It is important to note that most reported adverse reactions to Syrian Rue are associated with consuming large doses, far exceeding TRUE's recommended dosage.

Syrian Rue has been used as a traditional medicine for 5000+ years. It is currently used as a traditional medicine across China, India, Central Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa, and is being studied in scientific institutions around the world.

In TRUE, we use full-spectrum raw Syrian Rue, not extracts, to ensure that you receive the natural compounds as they exist in the plant.

We carefully measure and recommend appropriate dosages that harness the benefits of Syrian Rue while minimizing the risk of adverse effects.

Each batch of TRUE is rigorously tested for quality and purity, ensuring that it is free of contaminants and safe for consumption as directed.

What are the active ingredients in TRUE?

The active ingredients in TRUE are primarily harmala alkaloids (harmine and harmaline).

We work with a laboratory to do potency testing on each batch of TRUE. Our current batch contains 8.9% harmala alkaloids per 650mg capsule for a total of 58mg harmala alkaloids per capsule.

For a full breakdown of TRUE's active ingredients, read our overview: What are Harmala Alkaloids?

How will I feel after taking TRUE?

After taking TRUE, many individuals report feeling increased mental clarity, enhanced mood stability, and increased energy. You may also notice reduced feelings of anxiety and an overall sense of well-being.

Some individuals may feel some stomach discomfort or nausea when initially starting to take TRUE. That's okay! Your body's natural healing process is being stimulated, and your body is detoxing.

If you do have nausea, we recommend taking the minimum dose of TRUE with a light meal in the morning, or just before bed. As the body gets used to the active ingredients, this nausea will disappear for most individuals.

Many of the effects are sub-perceptible (meaning you won't feel them directly), but that doesn't mean that it's not working.

Effects can vary based on individual health conditions and the specific dosages taken.

Can I take TRUE every day?

TRUE is designed for regular use on a cycle of 5 days on / 2 days off at the recommended dosage.

If you are one of those individuals who experiences nausea when starting to take TRUE, we recommend taking it 1 day on / 2 days off until the nausea naturally subsides.

Consistent use aligns with how TRUE's benefits accumulate over time.

When is it best to take TRUE, and with or without food?

TRUE can be taken either with or without food, but consuming it with a light meal can help minimize any potential stomach discomfort.

The optimal time to take TRUE largely depends on your personal routine and how you respond to the supplement. Some users prefer taking it in the morning to enhance daytime alertness, while others find it beneficial in the evening to support relaxation and improved sleep quality.

Due to its synergistic properties, taking TRUE in conjunction with other herbs may amplify its effects. For example, when taken on an empty stomach in the morning alongside coffee, it may enhance the stimulant effects of caffeine. Conversely, if taken in the evening with a calming herbal tea, it can aid in achieving a deeper, more restful sleep. This variability is partly due to its mild MAO inhibition, which can interact differently depending on accompanying substances and the body's metabolism at different times of the day.

Are there any dietary considerations?

While TRUE does not require strict dietary restrictions, maintaining a healthy diet can enhance its effects.

Harmine and Harmaline are RIMAs, and therefore do not carry the same dietary restrictions as MAO inhibitors, especially at the recommended dosage. Read more in our in-depth comparison here: MAOIs, RIMAs & SSRIs - A Primer

In medium and high doses, we recommend eating a light meal at least an hour before, and avoiding tyramine-containing substances, such as fermented foods, pork, aged cheeses and meats.

We recommend avoiding regular consumption of alcohol while taking TRUE as it can diminish the effects of the supplement.

How long does it take to notice the effects?

Some individuals may notice effects as soon as the first dose, while for others, it might take a couple of weeks. The time it takes to experience benefits from TRUE can vary.

Consistent usage over an extended period generally yields the best results.

Can I take TRUE with other herbs or supplements?

Yes, TRUE can generally be taken with other herbs and supplements. However, it's important to be mindful of potential interactions, especially due to its monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitory effects. Here are a few guidelines to consider:

  • Synergistic Effects: Rue may enhance the effects of supplements that act on the nervous system due to its MAO-inhibiting properties. This can be beneficial but also requires caution to avoid excessive stimulation or serotonin levels.
  • Cautions with Stimulants: When combined with stimulants like caffeine, Rue can potentiate their effects. If you're using stimulant-containing herbs or supplements, such as guarana or green tea extract, start with lower doses to assess tolerance.
  • Sedative Herbs: Combining Rue with sedative herbs like valerian root or chamomile may enhance their calming effects, which can be beneficial at bedtime but might cause drowsiness if taken during the day.

Is it safe to take TRUE with psychedelics?

Combining TRUE, which contains harmala alkaloids, with psychedelics demands careful consideration, care, and respect.

Harmala alkaloids can significantly potentiate psychedelics like DMT and psilocybin, both intensifying and prolonging the effects of these substances. If you are considering using TRUE alongside any psychedelic, it is crucial to approach this decision with a thorough understanding of the potential risks and to ensure that it is done in a safe and controlled environment.

Combinations of harmala alkaloids involving microdoses are reported to be better tolerated, providing a more subtle enhancement of the psychedelic effects without overwhelming increases in intensity.

While some individuals report enhanced experiences from combining harmalas with psychedelics at higher doses, this mixture can also markedly increase the risk of adverse effects. These may include elevated heart rate, increased blood pressure, and severe nausea.

It's also important to note that harmala alkaloids themselves can exhibit psychedelic properties at high doses. When consumed in large quantities, these compounds can induce vivid visual and sensory experiences, altering perception and cognition in ways similar to other strong psychedelics. This can add another layer of intensity and unpredictability to their interaction with psychedelics like DMT and psilocybin.

Due to these potent effects, extreme caution should be exercised if using harmala alkaloids in high doses, as this significantly increases the risk of both psychological and physiological adverse reactions.

What are the known contraindications?

Yes, there are several contraindications to consider before taking TRUE. Due to its active ingredients and their effects on neurotransmitter levels, particular caution is advised in the following situations:

  • Medication Interactions: Individuals taking antidepressants, especially monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), should not take TRUE as it can lead to an excessive accumulation of neurotransmitters, increasing the risk of serotonin syndrome, a potentially life-threatening condition. If you are looking to discontinue use of SSRIs, please read our post on transitioning to TRUE from pharmaceutical SSRIs here:
  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Rue has been traditionally used as a emmenagogue, and in very high doses, an abortifacient. Therefore, it is not recommended during pregnancy. Due to the lack of comprehensive studies on the effects of TRUE's ingredients on fetal development and breastfed infants, it is recommended that pregnant or breastfeeding women avoid taking TRUE.
  • Chronic Health Conditions: People with certain chronic conditions, such as liver disease, kidney disease, or hypotension, should consult with a healthcare provider before starting TRUE.
  • Surgery: If you are scheduled for surgery, it is advisable to discontinue use of TRUE at least 72 hours beforehand, as some of its components may interact with anesthesia or affect blood pressure and bleeding risk.

Are there any known side effects?

While TRUE is designed to be safe and effective when used as directed, some individuals may experience side effects due to its active ingredients. The most commonly reported side effects include:

  • Gastrointestinal Discomfort: Some people may experience mild stomach upset, nausea, or diarrhea when they first start taking TRUE, while the body is still adjusting to it. In this case, it's best to take Rue once every 3 days until no more nausea is felt.
  • Headaches: Occasional headaches may occur, likely due to changes in neurotransmitter levels, particularly during the initial phase of supplementation when your body is still getting used to it. Headaches may also occur with a diet of certain tyramine-rich foods.
  • Dizziness: Due to its potential impact on blood pressure, some users might experience dizziness or lightheadedness during postural changes.

It's important to note that side effects can vary greatly depending on individual health conditions, dosage, and other factors. If you experience persistent or severe side effects, it's advisable to stop taking TRUE.

Is TRUE habit-forming, will I develop a dependency?

No, TRUE is not habit-forming, and there is no risk of developing a dependency when using this supplement.

Taking harmala alkaloids regularly does not build a tolerance. Most long-term users of harmala alkaloids find that their sensitivity increases over time.

Furthermore, when you decide to stop taking TRUE, you can do so at any time without the risk of withdrawal symptoms. TRUE supports your body's systems without altering them in a way that would lead to dependency.

  • Mood Stability

    The active ingredients in TRUE support mood balance through their interaction with neurotransmitters. It's a natural option for emotional well-being.

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  • Cognitive Health

    Discover the potential cognitive benefits of harmala alkaloids and how they may support brain health and cognitive function in the face of neurodegeneration.

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  • Bone & Joint Health

    Rue has been used in traditional medicine for supporting joint health and bone growth. It's being investigating its impact maintaining bone density and promoting joint comfort.

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  • Immune Support

    The active ingredients in TRUE are being investigated for their potential to enhance immune defense mechanisms, and has shown anti-bacterial, anti-virus, and anti-fungal properties.

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  • Digestive Health

    Rue has been used traditionally to aid digestion, expel parasites and cleanse the gastrointestinal system. Modern research suggests it may help promote digestive health and comfort.

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  • Cellular Health

    Rue has been traditionally used to support healthy cell function. Modern research is exploring their potential role in promoting cellular health and maintaining normal cell growth.

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  • Cardiovascular Health

    Traditionally used to support heart health and manage blood pressure.

  • Digestive Health

    Known for soothing digestive issues, including diarrhea, intestinal pain, and colic.

  • Nervous System

    Used to support mental clarity, calmness, and as a natural remedy for nervous conditions and pain relief.

  • Reproductive Health

    Traditionally used as an aphrodisiac. In women, to support healthy menstrual cycles, lactation, as well to induce abortion.

  • Tumor & Neoplasm Support

    Historically used in the treatment of tumors and other growths.

  • Pain Relief

    Applied topically for relief from rheumatism, arthritis, and various types of pain.

  • Antiparasitic & Antibacterial

    Used traditionally to fight infections, including tapeworms and bacterial infections.

  • Diabetes Support

    Traditionally used to help manage blood sugar and for its potential antidiabetic effects.

  • Skin & Hair

    Used for treating skin diseases, lice, and improving hair health.

  • Rheumatism & Inflammation

    Traditionally used for treating arthritis, rheumatism, and sciatica.

  • Ulcers & Wound Healing

    Applied for healing ulcers and other wounds.

  • Other Uses

    Also used for conditions like the common cold, impotence, and jaundice. Utilized as a incense, fumigant, and for its dyeing properties.

Source: Pharmacological and therapeutic effects of Peganum harmala and its main alkaloids: LINK

DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes based on traditional uses and historical context.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Margo Marcovicci
Improvements in my health

I am a 78 year old woman and I have been taking TRUE for over a year. I have noticed several changes in my health. 1) My immune system has improved. 2) I have noticed that I have more energy to play golf and to hike and swim. 3) I am aware that my mental acuity - focus, recall, and reasoning - is better.
Thank you so much for ORIGIN TRUE - Syrian Rue

Amazing Energy and Feeling of Well-Being and Health

I have been taking this for over a year and feel that it is so helpful for my energy and health. I'm over 60 years old and work out daily, play tennis, golf, hike and ski. This is the first thing I take in the morning with my coffee. Other supplements come after I walk the dog and eat, but Rue/Harmala is my first go to of the day. I feel it will help with my bone health, and overall well-being.

Rama K.

I was going through a really difficult time, struggling with depression and emotional turmoil. TRUE has been a game-changer for me, giving me some emotional fortitude and helping me find the stability and clarity I desperately needed to move forward in my life. Now, I feel more centered and capable of handling life’s challenges. Highly recommend it.

Fera I.

TRUE is fundamental to my biohacking as it strengthens the potency of my mind protocols. I am also testing it for bone strength as I am convinced it helped me with a broken bone issue I had recently.

Deya S.

For those days when I feel bogged down, or stuck in a rut, TRUE gives me the extra boost that I need. It gives me courage and energy to get over the speedbumps of life.